Friday, February 23, 2018

Week 7 # Journal

This week I enjoy learning about the 7 habits of highly effective people, one of the habits that stuck out most to me and that I think I need to work on is to be proactive. I am mostly a sensitive person so when facing a difficulty, challenge or obstacle I tend to give up. Being proactive means to accept reality and to choose to react to it in a positive way. Another habit that I really want to start applying in my life is that of putting important things first, setting priorities on important things and giving it deadlines. This week’s reading defiantly made me feel the spirit and I also like how it relates to the business world, being true to ourselves and others will not only bring success in our lives but also peace to our hearts, I always think that a successful business owner is also a leader and a man or woman of inspiration, without honesty and integrity that is hard to achieve. I also like that President Gordon B Hinckley talks about priorities and how important is to keep our commandments and to practice the value of virtue. In this world of corruptions and temptations is important to have our hearts set to God and hold unto our love for him before falling into temptation.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Journal # 6 183

I really enjoy the readings and the material this week. I enjoy that every video and reading material comes with a great message and something to ponder. This week my favorite quote was “Your greatest legacy will be your family and your service in the Kingdom of God”. In the business world you can get caught up with focusing so much on your business and leaving not time to your family , it is important to know the reason we are here is to go back to our father in heaven and that it is important to focus on the eternal perspective rather than in temporary things. My second favorite quote was “Light the world through your actions”. I love this quote because in this dark world where live in, we need more people with values such as integrity and honesty to influence others and make a difference. In the business world you are hold reliable to make a chance in this world, you befit society by providing the service your business offers but you also benefit society by protecting your values and acting according to God’s will. My other favorite part of the reading was the message of self-control, and how to keep yourself protected from the temptations of the world.                                                                                                               

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Journal # 5

This week I enjoy the talk on Perseverance by James E. Faust. In life to achieve our goals we have to never give up and in the business world persevering and enduring brings success. I also enjoy the video on a Hero's journey. I love the advice that was given, it was very inspirational to me. My goal is now to live every moment of my life as it matters, as it was my mission to succeed. The financial reward in a career business is unstable so getting into business for the wrong reasons might not be beneficial, if you want an stable income then the safest is to get a job, but if you are willing to take risks, be creative and your motivation is not the money but how can you help others with your product and income, your perspective changes and give you the Perseverance you need during challenge times.  I also agree that it is very important to surround yourself with people that inspire you to be the best version of yourself, people that is self motivated and of character. Surrounding yourself with extraordinary people will make you one of them.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Journal #4

This week I was able to create my business plan for the 100$ challenge. I was really excited and motivated to see what the journey will be and to have everything organized to start the project, working on the business plan make me have more confidence on my business idea. This week I enjoy the reading and the videos we were assigned to read but one that stuck most to me was the life of business Owner Paul Robshaw and his perspective on dreams and boundaries, sometimes we put limits to ourselves and we tend to justify and have a list of excuses of why we cant achieve our dreams but removing boundaries helps take action with creativity and forget about those limitations , instead we just go for what we want with excitement and positiveness